IRIS 860 Sensor Settings
This documentation explains the settings which can be configured using the SEEN Sensor Setup App, which can be downloaded from the Google Play Store and Apple Appstore.
Please also refer to How to change the sensor settings.
Critical Alert Zone
A detection in the Critical alert zone is indicated by a continuous audible alert tone from the sensor (and Cab Box if used). The factory setting is 3m/10 ft, but it can be set up to 8m/26ft.
Early Warning Zone
A detection in the Early warning zone is indicated by a beeping audible alert tone. The factory default setting is +1m / +3ft. The combined total of the critical alert distance plus the early warning distance, cannot exceed the sensor’s maximum detection distance of 8m/26ft.
Customized detection zone shape
The 60º detection fan of a SEEN sensor is broken into 6 channels. The critical alert distance and early warning distance can be individually set for each channel. This can be helpful if a modified detection zone shape is required. For example, when 2 sensors are used together to provide 120º coverage, it can be beneficial to trim the outside corners so the overall detection area is not too wide.
To customize a channel, go to the detection fan setting screen and tap to select the specific channel.. Click the controllers to adjust the distance.
Direction Dependent Alert
By default, SEEN sensors are pre-set so they can only alert while receiving a direction signal from the machine. This requires the sensor to be wired to the machine’s direction signal (which is usually reverse). 3 direction dependant alert options are available:
The sensor can only alert when the direction signal is on (Default)
The sensor can only alert when the direction signal is NOT on
The sensor can always alert (the direction signal is ignored)
If the sensor is not wired to the machine’s direction signal, it may not alert as intended. See how to check the reverse signal connection.
Alert Volume
The IRIS 860 sensor features a piezo buzzer which emits a 3,500Hz audible tone at 94dB (at 1m). The buzzer is deliberately loud to promote behavior change, and to be clearly heard in noisy environments. Although loud, It is not harmful to hearing, even with prolonged exposure. However, when mounted close to the driver’s head the sensor’s buzzer volume may need to be reduced.
Reducing the volume can be done in the sensor settings app or by using a SEEN IRIS 860 Buzzer Cap (PN SI-133)
Volume options:
Normal volume: 94 dB
Normal volume with Buzzer Cap: 80 dB
Reduced volume setting: 85 dB
Reduced volume setting plus Buzzer Cap: 70 dB (not recommended)
OFF (use with caution)
When set to Reduced Sensitivity the sensor requires approximately 30% more reflective material to detect than at Normal sensitivity. The reduced sensitivity setting can help in environments where the sensor occasionally triggers off plastic pallet-wrap and certain metallic surfaces which can create a retroreflective type effect.
Accessory Socket Output
By default the IRIS 860 accessory socket will only output an electrical signal during a critical detection alert. The sensor can also be set to output an electrical signal in the following conditions:
Early warning alert (output is synced with the early warning beep pattern)
Internal error alert (output is synced with the internal error beep pattern)
Test Mode (enables output while Test Mode is active)